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Influence of the concentration of dietary digestible calcium on growth performance, bone mineralization, plasma calcium, and abundance of genes involv Lagos et al 2019
Interactive effects of phosphorus, calcium, and phytase supplements on products of phytate degradation in the digestive tract of broiler chickens Sommerfeld et al 2018 2018
In vitro antimicrobial activity against 10 North American and European Lawsonia intracellularis isolates Wattanaphansak, Singer, Gebhart 2009
In vitro evaluation of two commercial biocides on EHP spore extrusion rate Shrimps Sang-Ngam , Aldama-Cano, Itsathitphaisarn 2020
In vitro Pleuromutilin and Macrolide MIC and MBC`s compared against European field isolates of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae Valle, Morrisey, Klein 2014
IPC 2020 Proceedings Multiple 2020
IPVS-ESPHM 2016 Dublin IPVS, ESPHM 2016
Les zoonoses, ces maladies qui nous lient aux animaux Vourch, Moutou, Morand 2021
Limestone particle size, calcium and phosphorus levels, and phytase effects on live performance and nutrients digestibility of broilers Majeed at al 2020
Long term differentiated phosphorus supply from below to above requirement affects nutrient balance and retention, body weight gain and bone growth in Sorensen et al 2018
Manual quality analysis for soyabean meal USSEC Je.Van Eys 2016
Modeling Energy Utilization in Broiler Breeders, Laying Hens and Broilers N.K Sakomura 2004
Modification of a limestone solubility method and potential to correlate with in vivo limestone calcium digestibility S.-W. Kim, W. Li,,1 R. Angel, and P. W. Plumstead 2019
Monitoring of antimicrobial susceptibility of Mycoplasma hyopneumoniae isolated from respiratory tract infections in pigs across Europe during 2010-20 Klein, De Jong, Moyaert 2016